Saturday, May 22, 2010

Before I Get in Trouble...

I figured it was getting to be a little bit too long between posts and thought I should post something before Miranda starts bugging me!!! (Love ya sis!)

I don't have too much to post actually...I've kinda fallen off the "change" wagon. I haven't been doing good at all. I stopped counting points last week, and went back to my old eating habits. I'm starting up again now though...I guess I just got lazy. I'm going walking tonight and I'm getting strict more crap food!

My car started making a horrible screeching noise last week (or i guess it could have been the week before). My friends husband took a look at it and said it was the Idler Tensioner Pulley (or something like that). It basically puts tension on the belt that runs the alternator and the power steering pump. The bearing in mine went out, so the pulley was off kilter and started eating up the belt. Needless to say, I stopped driving my car and prayed that I would be able to get someone to come fix it this weekend. A friend from church, Greg, came by this afternoon and had it fixed in no time!!! It only cost me $40 for the parts, but I feel bad that I couldn't give him anything for coming out to help...hopefully he'll go to lunch with everyone tomorrow after church and I can at least buy his lunch!

Softball started up this week! Well, the pre-season placement tournaments were this week, but since we turned in our registration late we're not in the we'll start playing in 2 weeks or so.

I guess that's about all that's going on in my world right now...

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad sis! I kinda fell off the wagon the whole time we were down visiting you. You'll get it back. It's not altogether bad to go off the diet once in a while. It keeps your metabolism from getting lazy and adjusting to your new calorie intake. That's how plateaus are born.

    Glad you got your car fixed! See you again in a couple weeks!
