Friday, May 7, 2010

long time, no blog...sorry

Well, let me start out by apologizing. My laptop recently died, and I HATE our desktop computer (its ancient and SUPER slow) so I haven't been online in a loooooooooong time, so that means no Facebooking or blogging...again, my apologies!

I do have 2 peices of AWESOME news...

First...wait for it...I'M DOWN 8 POUNDS!!! Ok, so it's not record-breaking or anything, but I couldn't be happier. It's been what, three weeks? I think that's pretty awesome considering I haven't been sticking to the "change" near like I wanted to. I do darn good...most of the time, but when I "cheat" I cheat too much! Oh well, it's whatever...I'm doing really good about watching my salt intake, and I haven't had a "real" soda since I started all of this (and only a couple of diets) mainly water and tea (and mostly unsweet tea, which everyone can attest is a HUGE deal for me!) I eat a lot more veggies now too, which is good in an of itself. I actually noticed a little bit of a difference in the way the pants I wore today fit!!

Ok, second, I had a jewelry show this weekend at a local Renissance Faire. We've had a booth at this fair for the last couple of years and this last weekend was the best weekend we've had! Our sales were pretty awesome! But that's not the best part...the owner of the Faire asked us to sign a contract to come back for every Faire they have for the next 5 years!!!! He's also building us a "shoppe" which will be constructed how WE want it done! It's going to be awesome! We'll have a building to help keep us out of the sun and the rain! I'm so super excited...I can't wait till everything is done, we should have it all ready to go by the next Faire which is in September!!! I can't wait!

I have a new neice as of May 4, 2010...Amy (David's sister) gave birth to Sophie Elizabeth Grace Miller on Tuesday. She's a cutie-pie with a head FULL of black hair! I can't wait to officially meet her in June.

My mom and sis are coming to visit next weekend and I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I miss them both to peices! Plus, of course they are bringing the most handsome little boy with them too! I can't wait to see how much Nathan has grown up since I saw him at Christmas!

Well, I guess that's really all that's going on in my corner of the world right now...I'll try not to wait so long to post again...



  1. ok, so I mis-calculated...its been a month, not 3 weeks...but still, 8 lbs is 8 lbs!!!

  2. It's about time you got back to your old bloggy! Congrats on the 8 pounds! That's awesome! An average of two pounds a week is pretty darn good.

    Having a shoppe at the fair is so cool. You won't have be wading in mud anymore like last year. I want to see tons of pics when it's ready. We'll have to get Chuck to work on your sign.

    See ya next weekend!

  3. Yay Meagan!!!!! I'm down a total of 17 since I started.. If I could stick to an exercise regime, I'd be so much better off. Since I hurt my knee, it's hard for me to do a lot of anything, and the last week it's REALLY been hurting.. But it's a damn good start, on both our parts! :o)
