Thursday, April 15, 2010


So, this morning I get up to weigh (like I do every morning) and I'm not seeing any results! I hate the waiting...I know there wont be instant results, but I feel like I'm damn near starving myself (I'm not though, I promise) and would like to see more than just a 1 pound loss in a week! GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


  1. Don't give up, the results will come!! If you're struggling you should pay very close attention to your salt intake. Nothing can mess with your weight faster than salt (too much salt = water retention).

  2. Meagan,
    Choose 1 day a week and only weigh yourself that day. I know it can be very very hard, but the scale will be your worst enemy or your best friend. Your weight can fluctuate up to 4 lbs in any given day, so it will have ups and downs throughout the week as well. One other thing ive learned over the past year and a half on my weight loss journey, weigh first thing in the morning! I always wake up, pee, then disrobe and weigh in. Make sure you weigh the same everytime, because clothes add weight, so if you weigh with clothes on, make sure its the same ones each week. You will ALWAYS be heavier at night than in the morning. Good luck i hope that helps! Dont give up!! Even if you arent seeing results in pounds you will in inches, so remember to measure yourself so you can watch that number shrink as well!! Call if you need anything!! :)

  3. Amen to both, hang with it!!!!!!!1
